The Jesus Story

a tax collector’s story

Many things will be tried in your lifetime. You will try different styles and clothes.  You will try a number of different hobbies and activities. You will go through a number of phases of likes, dislikes, desires, and opinions.  Your political allegiances could adapt.  You will try out clubs, parties, relationships, and social scenes.  You will most likely give different study subjects and even a number of jobs a chance.  You might even date and relate with a number of partners or friends.  Life is full of experiences and opportunities which many try on to figure out what fits. 

 Would you also offer the Bible the same opportunity?  You may have heard about it, read something on it, or know of someone who is into it, but have you really tried and experienced it?  Have you given it an honest look and sized it up with a mature and objective viewpoint ? 

The following pages give you just that opportunity.  Matthew pens his account with a great attention to historical detail.  He writes so his readers may try and test whether Jesus Christ is who He says He is.  The following pages contain an account of the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  The author, Matthew, most likely was not a religious man but had an encounter with Jesus mid-life which seemingly turned his worldview and life around.  Matthew writes a precise account so others, who did not necessarily encounter Jesus, like He did may make an informed decision. He penned this letter so his audience would know for certain his learnings about Jesus were reliable and could be trusted.  The hope of this Bible is exactly the same – that you would have reliable information and certainty about who Jesus is and what He did for you.